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3 x Zero – Sustainable Business
3 x zero does not sound positive but in this case it is! It means zero waste, zero plastic and zero emissions. Linen is a sustainable choice and, of course, that includes sustainable business. We also make every effort to do business as sustainably as possible.
These are our three pillars:
Linen is the most sustainable textile type in the world. This begins as early as the growth of the flax plant from which linen is made. The flax plant that grows in the coastal areas of France, Belgium and the Netherlands needs only rainwater and does not like pesticides. That’s already off to a good start! Once harvested, the flax plant is used entirely to make linen. There is no waste, even the seeds are used to make oil!
Zero plastic
All our linen bedding is packaged and shipped plastic free. We do not use plastic, including recycled plastic. Even the tape we use to seal the boxes is durable. The boxes are FSC certified or made from recycled cardboard.
Zero emissions
Our warehouse where all linen bedding is stored and packed is C02 neutral. No gas, just electricity generated again by the solar panels on the roof.
Not only do we sell a sustainable product, we try to apply and propagate this in every possible way.