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A linen flat sheet in winter
That a linen flat sheet is wonderful to sleep under in the summer is well known. But why would you also choose a linen sheet in the winter? The answer is actually not that hard, it looks nice, it sleeps well, it’s sustainable and it’s less work!
Pair a linen sheet with your linen duvet cover in the fall and winter. You can choose the same color or make a mix of colors. Your bed gets a chic look by using different items. If you then let these colors come back in your pillowcases, the picture is complete!
A linen flat sheet is durable
Linen is the most sustainable textile in the world. This begins during the growth of the flax plant from which linen is made. But why is using a linen flat sheet sustainable? If you use a linen flat sheet in combination with your with linen duvet cover, you will need to wash the linen duvet cover much less often. That really saves a lot of laundry. You use less water and energy. This saves on costs and it is also sustainable. That’s a nice touch, after all.
And another advantage: your linen duvet cover will last longer because it doesn’t need to be washed as often!
Quick and easy bed changing
If you use a linen flat sheet in combination with a linen duvet cover, you can quickly and easily change and make your bed. You wash and dry the flat sheet and make your bed again. Taking your duvet out of the duvet cover and putting it back in doesn’t have to be done very often anymore. Because this is all me anyway quite a tough job!
The collection of linen flat sheets from Casa Comodo
The linen flat sheets in our collection are available in 2 sizes, 180×290 cm (single) and 280×290 cm (double). And in 11 different colors and one stripe design.
All colors of the flat sheets mix and match with the existing colors in the linen bedding collection. You can completely create your own color combination that fits the atmosphere you would like to create in your bedroom.
Made from 100% linen, sustainable European linen.
Discover the entire collection of linen flat sheets here!
Some colors from the linen flat sheet collection: