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Interior design books for home inspiration
I have a new addiction…. Interior Books. Surely it is wonderfully relaxing to flip through a book and look at beautiful pictures and dream away. And if you need some home inspiration for your home, books are a real source of new ideas. Not only that, such a stack of books is an accessory in your interior, it also looks very nice.
The Natural Home and Inspired by Nature by art director/interior stylist Hans Blomquist. Books to dream away at. Really beautiful atmospheric photos, great interiors full of inspiration for your home. Countrystyle homes decorated with natural materials.(
Sacred spaces by Carley Summers: A beautiful book full of interior photographs of people who have transformed theirs into a kind of sanctuary where they feel secure. The residents tell their stories about their interiors and choices they made.(
Scandi Rustic by Rebecca Lawson and Reena Simon: Creating a cozy & happy home. A book full of tips to decorate your home in scandi Rustic style. Elements such as the use of color, light and materials.
A Way of Living from Wonen Landelijke Stijl. A book full of beautiful ‘inside looks’. A book full of inspiration for a country home. On page 80 you see Marian’s beautiful bedroom with our linen bedding.(
Create, at home with old & new by Ali Heath. Creating an interior by merging old and new into one. Beautiful photos, rural atmosphere, wood, linen, pottery. Interior photos of, for example, a minimalist townhouse, rustic barn, maximalist farmhouse(
The Art of Home by Shea McGee: Inspiration for every room in your home, from the hallway to the bathroom. A step-by-step plan to transform your home into a place where you feel at home. Stylish photos in a classic, timeless country feel.(
A Way of Living by Ralph Lauren: A collector’s item. Photos of all of Ralph Lauren’s homes over the years. Luxurious, rich, sometimes a little over the top. Delightful to watch.